




請求項在連接詞(Transitional Phase)之前的記載為前言(Preamble),前言通常並非權利範圍之限制,本文試著從美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院(CAFC)於2019/11/4的判決[1]來回顧如何判斷前言是否是限制條件的見解此判決結果是:前言是據以與引證案有所區別之特徵,而該前言僅記載名稱,是以此名稱的解釋至關重要。本文不說明與此主題無關之內容,核先敘明。



系爭請求項1為一種旅行拖車(travel trailer),請求項1記載如下:

  1. A travel trailer having a first and second compartment therein separated by a wall assembly which is movable so as to alter the relative dimensions of the first and second compartments without altering the exterior appearance of the travel trailer.

USPTO認為,基於第4,049,311號「卡車拖車Truck trailer」專利(Dietrich)之揭露,請求項1不具新穎性。上訴人於審查階段辯稱請求項的旅行拖車(travel trailer)是一種休閒車輛(recreational vehicle),並以公開第2010/0096873號專利(Miller)做為外部證據來說明兩者之定義。

USPTO維持其核駁。上訴人訴願時,另以一外部證據:休旅車購買指南(Woodall’s RV Buyer’s Guide)支持其論述。PTAB確認USPTO之核駁審定,並肯認請求項1「前言」僅為意圖用途的陳述,並未對請求項範圍有任何限縮效果。



CAFC重申,申請案的用語解釋標準是最廣泛合理解釋(Broadest Reasonable Interpretation),請求項「前言」部分屬於請求項解釋的議題。僅陳述「發明目的或意圖用途」的前言,一般而言並不會用以限制請求項之範圍。然而,當請求項依賴前言為其前置基礎,則前言構成限制條件[2]。

上訴人爭執請求項1記載方式並無「前言」(a travel trailer having…),因為它沒有連接詞。CAFC並不認同,CAFC認為請求項1雖未使用典型的連接詞(comprising),但使用具有相同效果的連接詞(having)。

上訴人續辯稱,即便travel trailer是前言,由於請求項的本體(body)依賴該前言為其前置基礎(最後一句the travel trailer),且前言為結構特徵,因此,請求項1之前言為限制條件。PTAB認為travel trailer並非結構限制,且外部證據並未增加任何限制條件,故PTAB認為travel trailer是意圖用途之非限制性陳述。

CAFC認為,請求項1本體依賴前言為其前置基礎,依先例,當請求項本體依賴前言為其前置基礎,該前言即為限制條件。因此,PTAB認為travel trailer為意圖用途之陳述,並非結構限制之結論,並未得到CAFC之認同。CAFC另指出上訴人所依賴的二個外部證據[3]支持該論述:travel trailer是特定種類的休閒車輛,其具有起居室(living quarters)。

因此,CAFC認為PTAB的認定並未被證據所支持。PTAB認為(a)外部證據支持travel trailer與其他休閒輛車的差異在於可拖拉性(towability),此為單純意圖用途之陳述;(b)休閒車輛與travel trailer兩者均具有起居空間,無貨櫃空間,是屬於意圖用途之陳述。CAFC認為可拖拉性是屬於結構上的差異,而起居空間亦屬結構性要求。

綜上,CAFC基於外部證據認為,travel trailer是一種特定型態的休閒車輛,且該用語是請求項的結構限制。上訴過程中,兩造並未爭執:若travel trailer是限制條件,Dietrich則未能使請求項1不具新穎性。就像是一個人不會把倉庫與房子搞混一樣,沒有人會混淆休閒拖車與卡車拖車,因此,CAFC翻轉PTAB的判決並發回重新審理。




本案上訴人在審查過程陳述「前言Travel Trailer是與引證案有所區別之特徵」,依先例,此陳述應足以認定該前言為請求項限制條件。

本案兩造未爭執「引證案揭露請求項本體中的每一個特徵」,而法官肯認前言為限制條件且其為結構特徵,使得引證案與請求項區別僅在於「Travel Trailer並非Truck Trailer」。值得探討的是,Travel Trailer與Truck Trailer在結構究竟有那些差異?是上訴人所引用的二個外部證據所揭示的休閒車輛中,所有與Truck Trailer相異的特徵都屬於請求項的限制嗎?還是PTAB及法官在判決中寫到的「可拖拉性」及「起居空間」對應的結構呢?這個不確定性,除了審查時無法判斷外,未來主張侵權時亦不易判斷。

因此,筆者建議,答辯時,仍以請求項本體中記載的結構特徵來與引證案有所區別,若以某個用語與引證案有所區別,亦至少明確說明該用語之範疇,以避免上述情形發生。此外,本案中的外部證據,似乎亦會是限縮travel trailer解釋(結構特徵)的證據之一,因此,答辯時,外部證據的使用,謹慎為宜。



[1] In Re: David Fought, Martin Clanton, Appeal no. 2019-1127, Decided: November 4, 2019.

[2] Claims in pending applications receive their broadest reasonable interpretation during examination. We treat the effect of preamble language as a claim construction issue. “Preamble language that merely states the purpose or intended use of an invention is generally not treated as limiting the scope of the claim.” However, “the preamble constitutes a limitation when the claim(s) depend on it for antecedent basis.”

[3] “Recreational vehicles” or “RVs,” as referred to herein, can be motorized or towed, but in general have a living area which provides shelter from the weather as well as personal conveniences for the user, such as bathroom(s), bedroom(s), kitchen, dining room, and/or family room. Each of these rooms typically forms a separate compartment within the vehicle . . . . A towed recreational vehicle is generally referred to as a “travel trailer.” (Miller); Probably the single most-popular class of towable RV is the Travel Trailer. Spanning 13 to 35 feet long, travel trailers are designed to be towed by cars, vans, and pickup trucks with only the addition of a frame or bumper mounted hitch. Single axles are common, but dual and even triple axles may be found on larger units to carry the load. (Woodall’s)

[4] The determination of whether a preamble limits a claim is made on a case-by-case basis in light of the facts in each case; there is no litmus test defining when a preamble limits the scope of a claim. Whether to treat a preamble as a limitation is a determination “resolved only on review of the entire … patent to gain an understanding of what the inventors actually invented and intended to encompass by the claim.“ In general, a preamble limits the invention if it recites essential structure or steps, or if it is “necessary to give life, meaning, and vitality” to the claim. Conversely, a preamble is not limiting “where a patentee defines a structurally complete invention in the claim body and uses the preamble only to state a purpose or intended use for the invention.  Catalina Mktg. Int’l v. Coolsavings.com, Inc., 289 F.3d 801, 808 (Fed. Cir. 2002).

[5] when limitations in the body of the claim rely upon and derive antecedent basis from the preamble, then the preamble may act as a necessary component of the claimed invention.” Eaton Corp. v. Rockwell Int’l Corp., 323 F.3d 1332, 1339 (Fed. Cir. 2003).


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